Today is one of my random days "off."
It's Tuesday and I don't have to go into the office at all today. Ah. I love that. I even told my dogs, Roxy and Depot, to pray that someday soon I can spend everyday at home. I know they support me.
While I'd love to relax and hit up a coffee shop, book store, shoe store, etc., the one thing I want to do more than anything else is prep food! I actually get a little excited over it.
My husband and I scanned through our raw UNcook books over the weekend and picked a few recipes out that looked delicious. We got out the calendar and plotted out how to make these recipes happen around our busy schedule. Today is a critical day in the process.
My husband is addicted. To ketchup. I think it's weird, but I'm amazed at how many people can't live without the fructose-filled red sugar sauce. So what did he drool over in the uncook book? A picture of meatloaf...covered in red ketchupy, bbq sauce.
I just love that man.
So today, I'll probably juice for the morning meal and then soak the almonds, sunflower seeds and portobello mushrooms in preparation for the meatloaf.
The great thing about soaking is that you toss the nuts/seeds in water in the morning and then by night, they're ready. So I'll be slaving away in the kitchen in prep for a major meatloaf dinner. Er, I mean I'll sit around doing whatever I want while the nuts, seeds and mushrooms prep themselves.
I love raw.
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