I would be remiss if I didn't inform you of the number one most dangerous threat to healthy eating: your tv.
Don't laugh! These were my honest, initial thoughts.
My husband and I had argued before work this morning and I was feeling pretty blah. I saw the woman on the tv and instantly saw the solution to my problem: Starbucks!
If you want to eat the SAD food, then be prepared to live the SAD life.
I immediately thought back to my Starbucks drama earlier. If you want to eat the SAD food, then be prepared to live the SAD life. Eat the SAD food and then medicate the problems caused by poor eating. But who wants to risk their life to alleviate allergies? Unfortunately, too many of us.
I was watching the news this morning and caught a commercial for some kind of wireless special something. It showed a younger, professional woman walking down a city street, towards a Starbucks, using the priceless technical device they were advertising.
The Lord instantly revealed my own thoughts to me, "Oh, I want a coffee. I want to feel stylish and in control. A Starbucks in my hand will bring me the power and confidence I need."
The Lord instantly revealed my own thoughts to me, "Oh, I want a coffee. I want to feel stylish and in control. A Starbucks in my hand will bring me the power and confidence I need."
Don't laugh! These were my honest, initial thoughts.
My husband and I had argued before work this morning and I was feeling pretty blah. I saw the woman on the tv and instantly saw the solution to my problem: Starbucks!
And they weren't even selling Starbucks! They were selling something technical and wireless.
But let's pursue this. Say I go get a Starbucks. I order something with caffeine and/or dairy and/or sugar and/or carbonation and/or some other worse junk. It comes to me in the convenient, stylish cup with brown cardboard sleeve. Ah. Yes, so hip!
I drink. It tastes good! What was I so worried about? Starbucks is good.
I get back in my car, and back to my real life. The coffee sure is good. Not magical, though.
Plus, now I probably have a headache and/or stomachache and/or the jitters and/or an intense addiction that promises to begin craving early tomorrow.
Sounds like I just bought a Starbucks and lost control.
Veggies and nuts don't do that. They just don't. I can have a nightmare of a day, drink my green drink and eat nuts and flax chips 'til I burst and not lose control. No addiction. No headache. No jitters. No tummy aches. My life may still writhe in misery all around me, but I'll have saved myself the added mess of addiction and poor health.
I so hate to be repetitive, but can't you see with me how it is almost as if God were trying to help me, not hinder me all along? I mean, come on!
As I continued to watch the news and all the commercials that made these segments possible (McDonald's, Dunkin' Donuts, Jimmy Dean...), a news segment caught my attention: Singulair may be linked to suicide. The pharmaceutical drug used to treat seasonal allergies and asthma is now being investigated by the FDA.
If you want to eat the SAD food, then be prepared to live the SAD life.
I immediately thought back to my Starbucks drama earlier. If you want to eat the SAD food, then be prepared to live the SAD life. Eat the SAD food and then medicate the problems caused by poor eating. But who wants to risk their life to alleviate allergies? Unfortunately, too many of us.
I often want to create my own advertisements: a spoonful each of cod liver oil and bee pollen once daily will actually boost your immune system to eliminate all seasonal allergies. They come from natural, living beings uniquely equipped by God to help us. $20 for both and no side effects--well, except for a stronger immune system, better health and a desire to live. But you know, just stuff like that.
Stupid religion. God is always trying to get in my way.
1 comment:
Ok, so this is almost 2 years late, but whatever. I just noticed your blog on your FB profile. :) I get seasonal allergies and avoid taking perscriptions or OTC meds for them but am miserable every year. I have never heard of cod liver oil or bee pollen to treat it! Our diet is FAAAAAR from healthy, but I've definately been trying to improve it. Anyway, I would love more info on the cod liver/bee pollen combo. Is it safe while breast feeding?
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