I have found my living oxymoron--and it's beautiful. Check it out: wholesome, antioxidant-rich CHOCOLATE. And not just that commercial jargon about how chocolate contains antioxidants (that is, a few healthy molecules in there somewhere covered by refined sugar, hydrogenated oils and wax). I mean actually nourishing your body with chocolate.
I tried out a recipe for raw, vegan chocolate sauce. As I was blending the blessed, unadulterated ingredients, I dipped in a finger for a little tasting.
A few tears fell to my cheeks.
It was beautiful. I actually began to wonder what other great, miraculous, life-giving food we have been sacrificing for cheap, convenient, energy-depriving, nutrient deficient junk. Kiss the waxy, teeth-decaying, been-on-the-shelf-longer-than-the-dog-food-down-the-aisle chocolate bars away.
Dates, olive oil (what doesn't contain olive oil?!), cocoa powder, vanilla and agave syrup. Blend it all together (my blender is broken so I used the food processor) and voila! In less than five minutes you have an unbelievable dessert that your body (and spirit) will thank you for. It's all natural, it's all raw.
For a real thrill, slice a few fresh strawberries. Dip, bite, experience a few tears for yourself.
Recipe (from The Raw Transformation by Wendy Rudell):
1 cup soaked dates (I gave 'em about 45 minutes)
1 tablespoon of vanilla
1/2 cup olive oil
1 cup cocoa powder/carob powder/cacao powder
Agave syrup to taste (for strawberries, I use a little less agave so it's not overly sweet)
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