I like fluid terms. Words like clean, fun, delicious, and love all mean different things to different people. Add healthy, vegetarian, vegan and raw to that same category.
When my husband and I first told people we were vegan, suddenly the animal protein police came out in full-force. Random folks and friends alike all wanted to "help" us stay on the diet. Raw has been a similar experience.
But I am reminded to share with you the importance of defining your own diet. And let me encourage you to fight against the legalistic urge--eat for health, eat for life. Pray about it. Study and research it. Watch your body's responses. And above all, DO NOT stress yourself out about it. Do not create unrealistic goals or add extra pressure. Give yourself grace and eat for life--the kind of food and preparation of food that most gives you life and adds to your life.
For instance, when my husband and I first started raw, we went cold-turkey and hard-core. I would head to the farmer's market, buy all the fresh veggies and fruit I could find and then come home and eat it all week long. I didn't know about raw food recipes! I didn't realize that people lived this way and educated others. (This is a short-sight on my part. My very own mother-in-law had been talking about this for months, but I just didn't make the connection.)
At any rate, this unconventional method worked for us. And now, after 8 months of hard-core raw, we have incorporated about 10% cooked food into our diet. But we are still raw-foodists. We get to define it. Because we get to live it.
When it comes to your diet and lifestyle, don't be afraid to experiment. There are no hard and fast "rules." Don't be afraid to go extreme or keep it mainstream. But do your own research. And do follow your heart.
Even after the classes, the books, the websites and all the research, my favorite way to prep food remains going to the market, picking up the freshest of produce and just eating it! My heart knew what to do all along. And I love the confidence and comfort that comes from following it. It helps keep me in love with raw food and my life.
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