I just found the greatest website: http://www.phoenixpermaculture.org/. This site is local to the Phoenix area, but is an amazing resource on sustainable agriculture. From their homepage:
"The Phoenix Permaculture Guild is a local 501c3 education organization with a mission to create in the ground green living solutions. Our community based learning model utilizes the skills of our community to deliver unique opportunities for us all to learn new skills."
Way cool. I am hooked to this website (I set up an identity and everything the first day I found this!).
What excites and inspire me the most is how they make gardening seem doable.
As I heard on the radio this morning that the FDA has approved irradiation on certain raw produce to eliminate salmonella, my heart sank. What do we have left if even our raw food is no longer raw?
Last winter I felt the pull to garden. My husband and I felt certain we could get our green act together in time for fall, but as of yet, it's only been a lot of talk.
With the latest from the FDA and the encouragement of the Phoenix Permaculture Guild, I feel called to garden. I am beginning to think anyone who takes their life and well-being seriously may want to do the same. Let's not allow the FDA to determine the course our life will take.
I never thought I would become the extremist that I think I now am. I am beginning to wonder, though, if it isn't me as much as them (the FDA, the lobbyists, the brand-powered companies, etc.). Something to ponder at least...
"The Phoenix Permaculture Guild is a local 501c3 education organization with a mission to create in the ground green living solutions. Our community based learning model utilizes the skills of our community to deliver unique opportunities for us all to learn new skills."
Way cool. I am hooked to this website (I set up an identity and everything the first day I found this!).
What excites and inspire me the most is how they make gardening seem doable.
As I heard on the radio this morning that the FDA has approved irradiation on certain raw produce to eliminate salmonella, my heart sank. What do we have left if even our raw food is no longer raw?
Last winter I felt the pull to garden. My husband and I felt certain we could get our green act together in time for fall, but as of yet, it's only been a lot of talk.
With the latest from the FDA and the encouragement of the Phoenix Permaculture Guild, I feel called to garden. I am beginning to think anyone who takes their life and well-being seriously may want to do the same. Let's not allow the FDA to determine the course our life will take.
I never thought I would become the extremist that I think I now am. I am beginning to wonder, though, if it isn't me as much as them (the FDA, the lobbyists, the brand-powered companies, etc.). Something to ponder at least...
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