So, I did it. I went on my first trip while on the raw diet.
Shall I start with the good news or the bad news?
Ok, so the bad isn't so bad, but when you're on a work trip in Illinois raw food is not so easy to come by. I had planned pretty well, though, by bringing a lot of nuts and dried fruit to snack on (I even managed to pack four organic apples for some raw enzymes). Thankfully the conference offered a vegetarian option for lunch. I don't know what I would have done without that.
Well, ok, I do know what I would have done. I would have picked the grapes out of the chicken salad and munched on the green leaf garnish. Yuck.
Thankfully, the vegetarian options were decent: cold cooked squash over spring mix. They also had plenty of fresh fruit. I know I lost some pounds on this trip, though, because there were no healthy oils (not even an avocado to be found at any of the restaurants). Overall, I ate a lot of salad with oil and vinegar, an entire bag of dried apples, almonds and cashews like you wouldn't believe and all four of my "real" apples before the last day of the trip.
We did a quick sight-seeing trip in downtown Chicago, though, which compelled me to try the famous deep-dish pizza. I tried some (started the meal out with a mega Italian salad) and as usual, the SAD food did not impress. It was fun to try, but more rewarding to know I am not "missing out" on SAD food.
And, I am happy to say, my pizza was, um, "eliminated" by my raw-loving digestive system the next day.
I texted a friend who asked me about the trip, "I love trips like these. They remind me how much I love being home." And I do love being home. I am off to Whole Foods right now to replenish my fridge and settle back into being home.