Thankfully, we are still staying strong and raw. I am of the mentality that "cheating," i.e., eating crap, is not actually enjoyable. In fact, the other day when we were in New Frontiers (my fav health food store in AZ) my husband held up a loaf of some kind of fresh-baked sugary bread and took a big whiff and cooed. Wanting me to share in his excitement, he held it under my nose. I got a whiff alright. And got a bit nauseous. Actually, it was the same sensation I used to get from the scent of wheatgrass! This was sensational for me. I felt like I really had turned a corner. Apologizing that I couldn't stand the smell, I went over to the counter to get my veggie/wheatgrass juice from the organic fresh juice bar--my real treat!
My best recommendation to anyone dealing with anything is always to eliminate sugar. Really. Whether it's a relationship issue, a school dilemma or a dietary concern, sugar will only hinder the results. It's like sin. (Granted, I am not saying in way that sugar IS sin. Trust me. Eliminating sugar is not a fast-track to godliness in any way.) But so many times we are tricked into believing that sex or greed will get us where we want. But do not be fooled. Sugar will not benefit you--not one bit.
So when it comes to the holidays, I don't add extra stress by becoming a raw nazi. But I don't want to weaken my immune system any more, either, by eating junk. It's all about a healthy balance, as I have said probably far too many times before. And after a while, your body really will stop craving the white drug. But you can't play around with it. You have to go completely cold turkey and leave it alone. No lemonade, no cookie once in a while. You have to commit to cutting it out. Reducing your sugar is always good, but you will never experience true freedom. As can be seen by my husband and my differing reactions to the pastry bread. (He stays away from cake and candy but still enjoys the occasional cup of lemonade or bite of sugar/soy ice cream, while I leave it out of my life altogether.)
I have been working extra hard this season, though, to keep my system as healthy as possible. My favorite cold-buster so far: juice!
Here's a sure cure:
4 organic kale leaves
3 handfuls organic spinach
1 small organic cucumber
1-2 cloves fresh garlic
It's pungent. It's out and out spicy! But it will knock any cold/flu right out of you. Be careful with the garlic. If you aren't as familiar with raw foods, stick to 1 or even half a clove. And as with any juice, drink it asap--do not let it sit and oxidize. Raw juice loses nutrients as it mixes with the air.
I also have a few fun beauty care tips that I've found helpful. First and foremost is maca. My husband and I are still on this stuff and I love it for many reasons. Not least of all that it has done wonders for my skin. Because it balances out hormones, it works great to cleanse the skin organ from the inside out.
Here's a quick and easy skin/face scrub I made from stuff in the kitchen:
1/4 cup oat groats, finely ground (I used a coffee grounder)
1 teaspoon flax oil
1 tablespoon raw honey
This usually requires refrigeration due to the flax oil. It's wonderful. All natural, organic and makes my skin feel soft and smooth. Use it only every 3 or 4 days.
I hope you all are enjoying your holiday season and are taking full advantage of the green leafy things growing all around us.
Merry Christmas and happy juicing!
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