I eat raw food because God pursued me in it. The idea of eating salad day in and day out, repulsed me. But how often do we take the word of God and immediately put ourselves in self-assumed bondage?
Do not, thou shalt not...this is how so many of us see God.
Raw food seems like the ultimate expression of that kind of kooky bondage.
But it's not. It's just really not. When it came to eating raw food, all I thought was, "Thou shalt not eat, do not eat, etc." And to be frank, I just wanted one part of my life that was mine! For crying out loud, I do good things. I work on my marriage. I try to be the best sister, daughter, friend, co-worker, employee that I can be. LEAVE MY FOOD ALONE!
But after three very real attempts by the Lord to get my attention regarding eating raw food, I couldn't resist. He pursued and I could not resist.
I started the very day I received the third "message" to eat raw. I didn't read a book on it. I didn't receive an education in it. I went to no one to discuss it. I just did it.
And I found freedom.
Isaiah 55:7-9. "For my ways are not your ways, neither are my thoughts your thoughts, declares the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
My natural inclination is to see the word of God as bondage, a sacrifice on my part. But it is not. It is a sacrifice on God's part to bring life and freedom to my very being--mind, body, spirit. His ways are not my ways and my thoughts are not his thoughts. I am so blessed that He is willing to use something as simple, yet powerful as food to demonstrate this to me. And set me free in the process.
A new-age raw recipe book talks about the most important ingredient of all: love. No matter what you're making, what you're eating, if it isn't made with love it will not nourish as it should. When I cook/prep out of my own strength, it is rarely made with love. But as the Lord works through me to prepare meals, I am freed to let His love fill our very food. There's nothing new age about that: man cannot live on bread alone, but on the very word of God--who is Christ Jesus!
As a new friend reminded me last night:
"In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength,
but you would have none of it." -Isaiah 30:15
Through drinking plenty of water, letting the love of God through Christ dwell in me and being alive and well, I am free.
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